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Watching again these epic scenes, I ask myself: Why the hell did they mess up the whole Batman franchise. Imagine if the DCU had started off with this. 3:30 - 4:00 is The Most Amazing 30 Seconds in this Trilogy. I was in the Theater wondering how he was going to get out of that. Then I remembered Oh Yeah, He"s BATMAN. The dark knight plot. Don"t forget the soundtrack of the Dark Knight, especially the Joker"s theme. Hans Zimmer is a genius. Somewhere in the game universe Joker :I will use assassin batsy, that"s mine! Batman :no problem pal, I am a tank player! Joker ! Wait, seriously. 47:02 Song. The dark knight returns. I have looked forward to this movie for about a year, and with it being my most anticipated movie ever, i was expecting a roller coaster ride of emotion, chaos and anarchy. I got it all and more.
Heath Ledger"s performance is nothing short of brilliant. When he"s on screen, hes amazing, and when he"s off screen, you want him back. Thats how good he is in the film. I did however, think they could have had The Joker in the film a bit more.
Christian Bale is very good as Batman, but tries a bit too hard on the Bruce Wayne character. Maggie gyllenhaul is better than Katie Holmes period, although she wasn"t as involved in the crime fighting as Katie Holmes" was.
Aaron Eckhart was a perfect choice for Harvey Dent, and you could tell throughout the film that he had a dark side, especially when he had a few angry outbursts at Gordon and Batman.
In conclusion, I"ve never seen a film travel so fast, considering its a 2.5 hour movie. It fells like 1.5 hours! It is very well written with many memorable quotes...
The highlights for me in the film were: The Joker"s meeting with the mob bosses, and for that split second when Gamble calls him crazy - Joker"s reply is priceless! The Bat Pod chase to the Joker was amazing, along with the hospital scene with a bit of dark comedy...
Ledger carried this film, and without him, i wouldn"t have the satisfaction i have now for this great film, SEE THIS FILM NOW.

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